1.To prevent damage to the Nintendo (and the children), we'll only let the one who folds the laundry that evening play Donkey Kong.
2.By closing down or warning signals it is possible to control the risks due to overloading and reliably prevent damage.
3.CAUTION : To prevent damage to O- ring seals, do not attempt to pry the O- ring seal free before removing check modules .
4.To prevent damage from repeated freeze-thaw cycles, the bottom of the foundation must be below the frost line.
5.The resistor (R) must be large enough to limit the current through the diodes to prevent damage to the diodes.
6.Precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to the heat meter by unfavourable hydraulic conditions(cavitation, surging, water hammer).
7.When a new, dangerous virus appears, timely intervention can prevent damage to your data, and help prevent the spread of the virus.
8.But these may not develop for two or three days after an overdose -- too late to prevent damage.
9.The Asian Development Bank says Asia needs to balance its growth to prevent damage from future crises like the global economic slow-down.
10.As pesticides are often too expensive, they harvest fruit before it matures to prevent damage, but an estimated 40 per cent is still lost.